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Monitoring Jaeger

Version  2.4 Latest Go to the latest 1.x version

Jaeger itself is a distributed, microservices based system. If you run it in production, you will likely want to setup adequate monitoring for different components, e.g. to ensure that the backend is not saturated by too much tracing data.

Please refer to OpenTelemetry Collector documentationexternal link for details on configuring the internal telemetry.


Here’s a sample curl call to obtain the metrics:

curl -s http://jaeger-collector:8888/metrics

The following metrics are of special interest:



The first two metrics describe how many spans are being received by Jaeger. The last two metrics indicate how many spans are being sent to the storage. Under normal conditions the accepted and sent_spans counters should be close to each other.

The labels on the metrics allow to separate different receivers and exporters. For example, the first metric with all labels might look like this (formatted for readability):

} 44


Logs by default go to stderr in plain text format. For production deployment log verbosity of info or warning is recommended.


Jaeger has the ability to trace some of its own components, namely the requests to the Query service. For example, if you start all-in-one as described in Getting Started, and refresh the UI screen a few times, you will see jaeger populated in the Services dropdown.

Self-tracing can be disabled by setting OTEL_TRACES_SAMPLER=always_off environment variable.