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Version  2.4 Latest Go to the latest 1.x version

  • Supported Cassandra versions: 4.x, 5.x

This page describes how to configure Jaeger to use an existing Cassandra cluster as a storage backend for traces. For instructions on how to deploy a Cassandra cluster, please refer to Apache Cassandra Documentationexternal link.

Cassandra also has the following officially supported resources available from the community:


A sample configuration for Jaeger with Cassandra backend is available in the Jaeger repository: config-cassandra.yamlexternal link. In the future the configuration documentation will be auto-generated from the schema. Meanwhile, please refer to config.goexternal link as the authoritative source.

Initializing Schema

Before Jaeger can use a Cassandra cluster as a storage backend, a keyspace and database schema must be initialized. As of v2.1.0, Jaeger can automatically create the schema on start-up. It defaults to the equivalent of the following configuration:

            create: true
            keyspace: jaeger_dc1
            datacenter: dc1
            trace_ttl: 48h
            dependencies_ttl: 48d
            compaction_window: 2h
            replication_factor: 1

It is recommended to customize these values to match your needs, for example, for longer retention or higher replication factor.

If schema.create is set to false, the schema must be initialized manually. There is a script in the jaegerexternal link repository that generates the initialization instruction that can be executed using Cassandra’s interactive shell cqlshexternal link:

MODE=test sh ./internal/storage/v1/cassandra/schema/ | cqlsh

The same script is packaged as a container image (make sure to provide the right IP address):

docker run \
  -e CQLSH_HOST={server IP address}  \
  -e MODE=prod \

For production deployment, pass MODE=prod DATACENTER={datacenter} arguments to the script, where {datacenter} is the name used in the Cassandra configuration / network topology.

The script also allows overriding TTL, keyspace name, replication factor, etc. Run the script without arguments to see the full list of recognized parameters.

See this READMEexternal link for more details on Cassandra schema management.

TLS support

Jaeger supports TLS client-to-node connections as long as you’ve configured your Cassandra cluster correctly. You can specify paths to the TLS certificates (.pem files) un the tls: section under connection:. See configtls.ClientConfigexternal link in the OpenTelemetry Collector repository for available properties.

Tip: verify the correctness of your TLS certificates using cqlsh first.

The schema tool also supports TLS. You need to make a custom cqlshrc file like so:

# Creating schema in a cassandra cluster requiring client TLS certificates.
# Create a volume for the schema docker container containing four files:
# cqlshrc: this file
# ca-cert: the cert authority for your keys
# client-key: the keyfile for your client
# client-cert: the cert file matching client-key
# if there is any sort of DNS mismatch and you want to ignore server validation
# issues, then uncomment validate = false below.
# When running the container, map this volume to /root/.cassandra and set the
# environment variable CQLSH_SSL=--ssl
certfile = ~/.cassandra/ca-cert
userkey = ~/.cassandra/client-key
usercert = ~/.cassandra/client-cert
# validate = false

Compatible Backends